The splinters in your mind – the constant chit-chatting!
Past events or traumas are still bubbling inside you; they are like splinters in your mind, causing you suffering that you cannot remove.

Frequently Asked Questions!
Frequently Asked Questions.
Its basic tool is the muscle test, which is the ability of the client to hold a muscle against light pressure. It is a totally holistic approach that uses the neuromuscular response that is being tested rather than the strength of the muscle. It combines techniques from both Eastern and Western medicines.

Sense of belonging
Are you ever feeling like an outsider in your own life, struggling to find a sense of belonging, or wondering where you fit into this world? We’ve all felt overwhelmed or lonely at times when finding our place can feel difficult.

Listen to Your Body: The Importance of Letting Go of the Past
We all have memories, regrets, and baggage we carry with us. Sometimes, these things can hinder our growth and prevent us from moving forward in life.

Feeling “yes”
Do you ever find it hard to make decisions in life? Have you been in situations where it felt like the options were too overwhelming, and your head was spinning as you tried to decide what to do next?