How Can I Help?

Imagine your body is a castle. When you are born all rooms in the castle are lit up: in the basements, in the left and right wings, and in the attic. Each of us is a beautifully lit-up shiny castle when we are born. As we are growing up, we hear things, we witnessed unpleasant circumstances, we are reprimanded, and we may be bullied or can't cope at school. We start to switch the lights off in the different rooms of our castle and we leave behind a treasure in each room that we didn't like to touch because it made us uncomfortable to look at it as we were unable to process the emotions in doing so. We end up with a half-lit castle or sometimes with barely any lights on at all.

This may result in ongoing aches and pains, inflammation, digestion issues, anxiety, depression, and feeling stuck. These are the symptoms but the real cause of these symptoms is unresolved emotions that we left in a room.

We find ourselves having certain limited beliefs, distractible patterns, and self-sabotaging, and we start telling ourselves stories that aren't necessarily true stopping us from becoming who we meant to.

Most clients appreciate the fact that we don’t need to talk about their emotions or stories during their sessions with me. By finding and releasing their treasures in different rooms in the castle, the body starts healing. My clients become empowered, and connected, and mainly they find their authentic selves by changing their stories and creating new pathways to the brain and inner wisdom. Importantly, to become who they were always meant to be.

Whatever your needs...

Gentle Integration Therapies can provide results by getting to the root of the issue(s) and creating new paths to the brain and your inner wisdom by tailoring the care that's right for you so that you can radiate vibrant health and fulfil your dreams.

B.E.S.T Technique
