Kinesiology is the extraordinary art of listening to the body's language.
Kinesiology taps into the body's biochemistry, giving feedback on what is going on internally. The fantastic tool of analog muscle testing enables us to examine the whole person mentally, physically, chemically, and energetically. Kinesiology looks at the entire person rather than just the symptoms as, quite often, the root of the problem is not where pain, discomfort, or symptoms lie. Kinesiology is safe, non-invasive, and can help improve the health and happiness of everyone - from infants to adults - across a wide range of health issues.
Kinesiology was developed by Dr.Goodheart in 1964, and Brain H. Butler introduced the new concept of Applied Kinesiology in Britain and Europe in 1976. Its primary tool is the muscle test, which is the ability of the client to hold a muscle against light pressure. It is a holistic approach that uses the neuromuscular response that is being tested rather than the strength of the muscle. It combines techniques from both Eastern and Western medicines.
In kinesiology, we test - detect – balance.
Clients have trouble with digestion, and the culprit is the Ileocecal Valve ( ICV), which is triggered by the emotional response of stress in most cases but also by parasites, toxins, nutrition, or structural imbalances. This can be linked to imbalances in the jaw where the client holds stress. We can address it all simultaneously because our body is interconnected and designed like a spider’s web. Our body is designed to heal, but it needs the right tools and environment to do this and thrive.
Many people believe that constipation issues are due to not eating enough fiber. However, suffering from constipation is because of unresolved emotions, holding to the past, and an inability to let go.
If a client has a painful knee or back problem and if it is addressed only with structural techniques and without considering different possibilities, such as the emotional side or deficiency in minerals and vitamins, it may keep recurring.
Priority of Priorities
You can have ten things wrong that need to be balanced/addressed, but only one thing of the ten will make a big difference to the body (it will raise the vital force in the body (and will be most beneficial). We call it a Priority of Priorities. Isn’t our body clever?
There may be two clients with the same symptoms, but each client’s session will be unique to their body’s needs. It is about what the body needs at the current time. It isn’t generalized; all symptoms fit into one solution.
It addresses the roots of the issues rather than dealing with symptoms. For example, taking paracetamol may elevate a headache, but it doesn’t help to address why the headaches are happening.
Chain Reaction / Domino Effect
Addressing one issue can create a chain reaction that instantly impacts well-being.
Muscle testing can detect any imbalances in the body even before they appear in a blood test.
Subconscious & Conscious
Muscle testing gives us an understanding of what is going on at the subconscious level. Many people believe that we make conscious decisions, but we make decisions based on our past experiences. Therefore, it is vital to work subconsciously to correct repeaters of our past experiences.
Whatever Your Needs...
Gentle Integration Therapies can provide results by getting to the root of the issue(s) and creating new paths to the brain and your inner wisdom by tailoring the right care. Contact me today to find out how I can help.
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