The splinters in your mind – the constant chit-chatting!
Have you noticed that past events or traumas are still bubbling inside you as if they happened today? The older you get, the more the bubbles surface, each more significant than before. They are like splinters in your mind that you cannot remove.
What are the stories we tell ourselves, the nagging voices, the constant chit-chat? They are unresolved emotions from our past experiences. Feelings which you didn’t like at the time. For example, an emotionally absent mother, being told you were stupid, your boyfriend breaking up with you over the phone, being judged by your peers or being compared to an academic sibling.
What do you do with the unbearable feeling of overwhelming emotions? You pocket them somewhere in the body, so you don’t need to deal with them. We keep pocketing and pocketing...and slowly mind and body become disconnected. We start to live inside our heads, telling ourselves stories that are based on past experiences influencing our daily decisions.
These unresolved emotions are like boulders in our subconscious, stopping us from fully loving ourselves, from feeling we are enough, or from experiencing happiness or fulfilment. These boulders dictate how much love, success, happiness, joy, and fulfilment we allow into our lives.
Yes, the chit-chat that goes on in our minds - when we are about to ask for a promotion, or pay rise, or step out of our comfort zone - are patterns created during our early years. I observe it daily when people come to me with issues such as feeling stuck, having hormonal imbalances, constipation, low energy, or are suffering from aches and pains or inflammation - all these rooted in unresolved past emotions.
Their subconscious compromises cleansing, rejuvenating, and healing because their body is in flight-fight freeze mode. When our bodies are in flight-fight freeze mode, we cannot completely cleanse, rejuvenate or heal.
By gently connecting and integrating mind and body and releasing unresolved emotions that created limited self-belief, we start the journey towards healing and vitality. Furthermore, we remove the unbearable splinters in our mind so that we can rid ourselves of the constant chit-chat.
The beauty of using kinesiology and bio-energy medicine is that clients don’t need to talk about their unresolved emotions and limited beliefs in order to create the life they long for!